Step 1
Complete an Interest Form
Interested in joining ACE DC as a mentor? Complete the quick sign up form below before moving on to step #2.
Since most of our teams are full at this point in the program year, we aren't onboarding new mentors. If you've ben recruited by a current mentor or Team Leader, please email for next steps! Complete the quick sign up form below and you will get updates if we need mentors and when we are onboarding for next year!
Step 2
Introductory Zoom Call
After you submit your interest form, you will set up an introductory Zoom session with ACE DC Staff. This is where you can learn more about ACE, ask questions, and determine which site will be the best fit for you!
Step 3
Register as an ACE Mentor, Complete online training and Complete
ACE Background Check
Once have had a call with our Affiliate Director (Step 2) and you're sure ACE is for you, register in the ACE National Database and to join our national network of mentors. Here, you will enter more information about yourself. This will also begin the mandatory background check process and the required online mentor training.
Step 4
Mentor Kickoff Event
Join Mentors and Team leaders to learn the in's and out's of ACE DC, including how to effectively plan and execute an ACE session. You will learn about youth safety, and how to best lead and inspire the youth you mentor.
Step 5
Team Placement & Completion of School/County Volunteer Clearance Requirements
Ready to be an ACE DC Mentor? will be placed at one of our school sites across the region. Depending on where you mentor, you might also be required to complete county volunteer clearances as well.
Once assigned to a team, be sure to check the School Volunteer Requirements and complete the ACE Acknowledgement Form HERE

Interested in Mentoring with ACE DC?
As an ACE DC Mentor, you will join hundreds of other professionals across the the country who are engaging, exciting and enlightening young people about the built industry! In the Washington DC region, teams meet at schools every other week, for about 90 minutes between the hours of 2-5pm (some sites might be earlier or later!) While we prefer mentors to attend every session, many mentors participate once a month. During these sessions, under the guidance of your Team leader, you will introduce students to the built industry, engage in hands on activities, and help the student prepare their own design project! While we know things will look a bit different this year, we are excited to bring on more mentors!
Just 5 Steps to get started...soon you could be impacting a young person's life!
Interested in getting your Company involved? Connect with us here!